4 Tips Making Work Meeting Runs Met Success

Als een zakenman met een bedrijf dat beheert u moet vertrouwd zijn met het werk vergadering of een bijeenkomst met een aantal managers en medewerkers om toekomstige strategieën te ontwikkelen zijn geweest. Voor een vergadering van dit werk is zeer belangrijk voor een ondernemer of een divisie managers om programmaplan, business-strategie en de evaluatie van het werk te stellen zodat alles goed gaat.

Ontmoeting het werk zelf kan worden samengesteld uit 2 types van interne vergaderingen en externe bijeenkomsten. Indien de vergadering wordt aangebracht tussen de interne medewerkers van het bedrijf dan wel een interne vergadering, en vice versa bijeenkomsten gehouden met potentiële investeerders of investeerder dan is het wel door een externe vergadering.

Maar helaas, zijn er nog veel bedrijven die minder goed lopen ontmoeten en ondersteunen het succes van het bedrijf. Ze hebben net een vergadering of deze vergadering als routine zonder een duidelijke richting en doel.

Daarom aan u, die vaak deze cursus moet u onmiddellijk veranderen de manier waarop u werkt en de strategie vergadering die de agenda van uw vergadering met de raad van bestuur, manager, werknemer of potentiële belegger bent u goed werkt, effectief en optimaal. Hier zijn vier tips die u kunt oefenen in een werkvergadering in uw bedrijf, zodat de agenda van de vergadering goed kan draaien in lijn met wat je zou verwachten.
1. Nodig deelnemers Kijkers

De eerste tip dat het runnen van een succesvolle zakelijke bijeenkomst is om uit te nodigen of mensen uitnodigen die gewend zijn aan een actieve of betrokken zijn bij het proces van de vergadering. Het wordt vaak gevonden bij het voldoen aan een aantal mensen die gewoon zijn toeschouwers of passief. Dit, natuurlijk is het niet effectief is voor u en uw bedrijf.

Hoe beter ze werken doen productief dingen in plaats van onbeduidende en passieve niet bijdragen aan de vergadering. Daarom moet je als de leider van de bijeenkomst zou moeten zijn met gelei kiezen iemand aan wie u wilt vergadering, dat de agenda van de vergadering dat u effectief en productief kan lopen van het aantal voorstellen en input geleverd deelnemers aan de vergadering.

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2. Werken vergadering moet onmiddellijk Do

Het is vaak de oorzaak is niet de maximale werkvergadering, omdat de vergadering nog niet vertrekken van een eis van een routine. Vermoedelijk bijeenkomst is een agenda die is ontstaan ​​uit een behoefte die moest onmiddellijk worden gedaan.

Dus zelfs als je had een schema van de geplande vergaderingen van het bedrijf elke week of maand betekent niet dat je kunt de agenda niet vooruit omdat een noodzaak. Het is eigenlijk een goede zet, omdat je niet meer de dingen die belangrijk zijn voor de toekomst van het bedrijf zijn uitstelgedrag.

Nog een ding dat ook moet worden beschouwd in de vergadering is de tijd. U als de vergadering leider moet niet de ontmoeting met de klok moet worden ingesteld. Want het zal je in een haast. Plan een bijeenkomst zo snel en efficiënt mogelijk, zonder een moment te bepalen verklaren.
3. Maak jezelf als de Power Manager Meeting

De volgende tips om de job run succes voldoen is om een ​​vergadering als je territorium te creëren. in bijeenkomsten die vaak voorkomen sleepboot, zou een debat of een verklaring die weg afdwalen van het thema van een leider van de beslissing voor de vergadering te controleren vereisen.

Voel je vrij om de regulator en leverancier beslissingen in de vergadering zijn, want het is zeer noodzakelijk dat de bijeenkomsten draaien effectief en efficiënt. Je moet ook niet aarzelen om deelnemers aan de vergadering dat als al niet kan worden gecontroleerd of misschien kunnen ze niet worden uitgenodigd om uw vergadering procedures mee berisping.

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4. compleet met acties

Laatste tips die vergaderingen werk een succes is om alles dat is geproduceerd op de vergadering opgevolgd en geïmplementeerd te maken. Noteer het resultaat van de vergadering en maken de richtlijnen en de richtlijnen vast te leggen van de resultaten van de bijeenkomst als een stap of een actie die moet worden gedaan op de dag volgende klus.

Maak er een tijdslimiet om de resultaten van de bijeenkomst te voltooien, één week, twee weken, een maand of tijdens vergaderingen weer gehouden afhankelijk deel en de werklast gedragen. Als de deadline is er, doe dan een review of evaluatie tegen hem. Dit werd gedaan om ervoor te zorgen dat de resultaten van de werkvergadering agenda alvorens daadwerkelijk te produceren iets goed en productief voor het bedrijf.

4 Tips Making Work Meeting Runs With Success

As a businessman with a company that manages you must have been familiar with the work meeting or a meeting with several managers and employees to devise future strategies. For a meeting of this work is very important for a business owner or some division managers to establish program plan, business strategy and evaluation of work so that everything goes well.

Meeting the work itself can be composed of 2 types of internal meetings and external meetings. If the meeting is arranged between the internal employees of the company then called an internal meeting, and vice versa meetings were held with potential investors or investor then it is called by an external meeting.

But unfortunately, there are still many businesses that are less well run meeting and support the success of the company. They just have a meeting or this meeting as routine without a clear direction and purpose.

Therefore to you who often do this course you should immediately change the way you work and the strategy meeting that the agenda of your meeting with the board of directors, manager, employee or prospective investor you are running properly, effectively and optimally. Here are four tips that you can practice in a work meeting in your company so that the agenda of the meeting can run well in line with what you would expect.
1. Invite participants Viewers

The first tip that running a successful business meeting is to invite or invite people who are accustomed to an active or involved in the process of meeting. Often it is found in meeting some people who simply be spectators or passive. This, of course it is not effective for you and your company.

The better they work do productive things rather than insignificant and passive not contribute to the meeting. Therefore you as the leader of the meeting should be with jelly choose anyone to whom you want meeting, that the meeting agenda that you can run effectively and productively from the number of proposals and inputs provided meeting participants.

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2. Working Meeting Must Immediately Do

It is often the cause is not maximum working meeting because the meeting do not depart from a requirement of a routine yet. Supposedly meeting is an agenda that originated from a need that had to be done immediately.

So even if you did have a schedule of planned meetings of the company every week or month does not mean you can not move the agenda forward because a necessity. It's actually a good move, since you no longer procrastinate things that are important for the future of the company.

One more thing that must also be considered in the meeting is the time. You as the meeting leader should not make the meeting with the time clock should be set. Because it will make you be in a hurry. Schedule a meeting as quickly and efficiently as possible, without having to declare a time to be determined.
3. Make Yourself As The Power Manager Meeting

The following tips to make the job run successfully meeting is to create a meeting as your territory. in meetings that often occur tug, a debate or a statement that stray away from the theme would require a leader of the ruling in order to control the meeting.

Feel free to be the regulator and provider decisions in the meeting because it is very necessary that the meetings run effectively and efficiently. You also should not hesitate to reprimand meeting participants that if already can not be controlled or perhaps they can not be invited to join your meeting procedures.

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4. Complete With Actions

Last tips that work meetings a success is to make anything that has been produced at the meeting followed up and implemented. Make a note of the outcome of the meeting and make the guidelines and the guidelines record the results of the meeting as a step or action that must be done on the day next job.

Make it a time limit to complete the results of the meeting, either one week, two weeks, one month or at meetings held back again depending portion and the workload borne. When the deadline has been there, then do a review or evaluation against him. This was done in order to ensure that the results of the working meeting agenda before actually produce something good and productive for the company.

4 Consejos Haciendo Reunión de Trabajo se ejecuta con éxito

Como hombre de negocios con una empresa que gestiona usted debe haber estado familiarizado con la reunión de trabajo o una reunión con varios gerentes y empleados para diseñar estrategias futuras. Para una reunión de este trabajo es muy importante para el propietario de un negocio o algunos directores de división para establecer plan del programa, la estrategia de negocio y la evaluación del trabajo para que todo salga bien.

Encuentro con el trabajo en sí puede estar compuesto de 2 tipos de reuniones internas y reuniones externas. Si la reunión está dispuesto entre los empleados internos de la empresa, entonces llamada una reunión interna, y viceversa reuniones se llevaron a cabo con los potenciales inversores o inversores entonces se le llama por una reunión externa.

Pero, por desgracia, todavía hay muchas empresas que son menos bien dirigido reuniones y apoyar el éxito de la empresa. Sólo tienen una reunión o esta reunión como rutina sin una dirección clara y propósito.

Por lo tanto a usted que a menudo hacer este curso usted debe cambiar inmediatamente su forma de trabajar y de la reunión de estrategia que el orden del día de su reunión con la junta directiva, gerente, empleado o posible inversor está ejecutando correctamente, con eficacia y de manera óptima. Aquí hay cuatro consejos que se pueden practicar en una reunión de trabajo en su empresa para que la agenda de la reunión puede funcionar bien en la línea de lo que cabría esperar.
1. Invite a los participantes espectadores

El primer consejo que la ejecución de una reunión de negocios exitosa es invitar o invitar a las personas que están acostumbrados a un activo o involucrados en el proceso de reunión. A menudo se encuentra en el cumplimiento de algunas personas que simplemente ser espectadores o pasiva. Esto, por supuesto que no es eficaz para usted y su empresa.

El mejor funcionan hacer cosas productivas en lugar de insignificante y pasiva no contribuyen a la reunión. Por lo tanto usted como el líder de la reunión debe ser con jalea de elegir cualquier persona a quien desea reunión, que la agenda de la reunión que se puede ejecutar de manera eficaz y productiva a partir del número de propuestas y aportaciones recibidas participantes de la reunión.

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2. Reunión de Trabajo debe hacer inmediatamente

A menudo es la causa no es máximo para reuniones de trabajo, porque la reunión no se separan de un requisito de una rutina todavía. Reunión Supuestamente es una agenda que se originó a partir de una necesidad que había que hacer de inmediato.

Así que incluso si usted tenía un calendario de reuniones previstas de la empresa cada semana o mes no significa que usted no puede mover la agenda hacia adelante, porque una necesidad. En realidad es un buen movimiento, ya que ya no posponer las cosas las cosas que son importantes para el futuro de la empresa.

Una cosa más, que también debe ser considerado en la reunión es el momento. Usted como el líder de la reunión no debe hacer la reunión con el reloj de tiempo se debe establecer. Debido a que le hará estar en un apuro. Programar una reunión tan rápida y eficientemente como sea posible, sin tener que declarar una vez que se determine.
3. Haga usted mismo como reunión Power Manager

Los siguientes consejos para hacer la carrera de trabajo de reuniones con éxito es crear una reunión como su territorio. en las reuniones que ocurren a menudo tirón, un debate o una declaración que se apartan del tema requeriría un líder de la sentencia con el fin de controlar el encuentro.

Siéntase libre de ser las decisiones del regulador y proveedor en la reunión, ya que es muy necesario que las reuniones se ejecutan con eficacia y eficiencia. Además, no debería dudar en reprender a participantes de la reunión que si ya no se puede controlar o tal vez no pueden ser invitados a unirse a sus procedimientos de reuniones.

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4. Completo Con acciones

Últimos consejos que trabajan juntas en un éxito es hacer todo lo que se ha producido en la reunión de seguimiento e implementado. Tome nota de los resultados de la reunión y que las directrices y los lineamientos registran los resultados de la reunión como un paso o acción que se debe hacer en el próximo día de trabajo.

Que sea un límite de tiempo para completar los resultados de la reunión, ya sea una semana, dos semanas, un mes o en las reuniones celebradas de nuevo parte dependiente y la carga de trabajo transmitidas. Cuando el plazo ha estado allí, y luego hacer una revisión o evaluación en su contra. Esto se hizo con el fin de garantizar que los resultados de la agenda de la reunión de trabajo antes de que realmente producen algo bueno y productivo para la empresa.

Tips use WhatsApp application that maximum use is More

Tips use WhatsApp application that maximum use is More - WhatsApp application used increasingly popular and have many benefits. Since purchased by Facebook with fantastic value, WhatsApp application is growing rapidly. In the month of April 2015 alone, the application is quite often to get updates.
Things to do these companies is reasonable. Because the application WhatsApp increasingly in demand. In this year alone, WhatsApp announced that the application has been downloaded and used by more than 800 million users.
WhatsApp Application Tips
Almost everyone probably already know how to work this application. However, there are still many who do not optimize it so that the user is only limited by standard wear. However, we give you some tips to maximize WhatsApp, such as backup to Google Drive, to create a group chat to send a broadcast message.Backup to Google Drive
The first tip that will we share is back up the entire message in the WhatsApp accounts into Google Drive service. Drive to the backup feature is a new service offered by WhatsApp, along with UI overhaul becomes style design material.
Easy to do, you can first open WhatsApp as usual, then tap Settings menu followed tap and select Chat Settings. Upon entry into Chat Settings menu, you can continue the chat by selecting a backup, then choose the backup option, whether every day or once a week on the Backup frequenty.
After selecting the backup time, you can press the OK button and will be asked to log into your Google account, and then give access permissions. Lastly, you can click Back up Now, which will automatically backup all your messages appropriate time period predetermined.
Even backup to Google Drive service is quite behind, but it allows you to not miss important messages may be erased. Moreover, this service can also be selected, if you want to backup with WiFi or mobile data connectivity.Make Group Chat
Tip two is to maximize the use WhatsApp to chat with many people. With the Group Chat feature on WhatsApp, now you can communicate with many people, such as the BBM Group for example.
How to create a group chat via WhatsApp is easy. First, open the application WhatsApp, then tap the menu button and select New Group. If you have already done so, you can continue to provide the name of the group you want to create, then click the icon image to select the icon you want to use. After that, you can download tap Next to determine who are the members who want to be included, can by typing a name or select a contact recommendation.
If it is to determine who are the members who want to join the group, you can click the CREATE menu, and group chat has been completed you create. Even if the Group Chat feature on WhatsApp is not as attractive as BBM Group because it looks plain, but the performance is stable WhatsApp provide comfort to communicate with many people at once.Send Broadcast Message
Last tips that we share is to send a broadcast message. Features that previously used the popular BBM users can now also be used via WhatsApp. Have similar functions, can send messages to many contacts at once, the way is very easy to send messages. How to?
First, you can open WhatsApp, followed by choosing New Broadcast. Then, continue to type the name of the contact you want to send a message, a maximum of 256 contacts to a message sent. If you've done it, you can click on CREATE, and the message was immediately drove to all selected contacts.
Besides being able to send text messages, Broadcast Message feature on WhatsApp also allows you to send messages in other formats. You can send messages in the form of audio, image, video or contacts simply by clicking an existing clip icon on the home page.Conclusion
How, it is very easy not to optimize the use of this application? In addition you can use all the features offered WhatsApp application, you can now more freely when using it. Good luck!

How to Connect Google Drive With Gmail For More Productive

How to Connect Google Drive With Gmail For More Productive - Internet provides a variety of ways for a person to become more productive. But for you, if you utilize it properly? As an example of Google's services. With the wide scope of these services in the Internet world, of course is an easy task if we want to connect the output of Google's various services, because Google has provided a way for users so that they can adjust flexibly Google services.
Do you want to work more productively by connecting between Google services? You can start by connecting an online data storage service Google Drive with the email service Gmail. Here is a way that you can take to connect the two.
1. FIND INFORMATIONOne common thing a person do when using online services is, looking for something he wants. There is an easy way to connect Gmail search feature that is plastered on both Gmail and Google services that GDrive. To enable this feature, simply go to the settings menu in Gmail, click on Labs, and enable Apps Search feature.
Once you finish the feature enabled, when you do a search through Gmail will be followed by a search of online data storage on Google Drive account. If you've done a search, the results of Google Drive will be integrated with the Gmail search area. With this, you will get something more simple when doing a search.

Another way to reduce the habit of clicking your mouse is to further simplify the work of a service. At Google services, you can send a wide variety of attachments in Gmail directly to Google Drive.

All of it will you can do in a single click. Scroll to the bottom of the email where you'll see the attachment from the email, and then point to the attachment you want. Here, you will see the Google Drive icon. Click on the icon, and Gmail will automatically transfer the attachment to your Google Drive account.
3. ATTACH FILE GOOGLE DRIVEWhat about the other way when we want to attach something? What if instead, if you want to send an attachment to your Gmail Google Drive? Yes, you can do it. When you create a new email in Gmail, just visit the Google Drive icon on the bottom. This icon will take you to the page containing your Google Drive files. Here, you can select one or more files from your online data storage to attach to your email. With just one or two click, and the file will be transferred directly to the email that you are creating. Easy is not it?
4. NOTIFICATIONWhen you work in a group by using Google Drive, it is very useful if you are given notice when others modify existing jobs. You can set a notification that you are alerted if someone changes a file in Google Drive.
Just visit the file, and click on the Tools menu, and then select Notification rules. You can set a notification so that if there is a change, you will be notified via email.
CONCLUSIONIs it easier for us when it can connect simultaneously both Google services. With you integrate online data storage service Google Drive and Gmail email service, then you will be more productive activities than ever before.

Want to Learn to Make Application? Follow Course Creating a Free Application For Two Weeks of Google

Want to Learn to Make Application? Follow Course Creating a Free Application For Two Weeks of Google - Arguably Android operating system which successfully captured the world's attention. The Windows operating system made by now seemed to be an operating system that each day is always discussed. Of course, the success of the Android operating system is not separated from several factors.

One is the presence of the Google Play Store, an application store that allows many developers are involved. Because of this open system, not a developer, either group. Agencies, and individuals involved in developing many applications.

You can become one of the developers of applications in Google Play Store. Of course you have to have the ability to create or make an application. If you are interested in and you can or can not understand, then you can follow various courses create Android applications. One of the courses that you can follow is the course of Udacity.

The course makes the application of this Udacity is a course that is quite interesting. Udacity itself is a group or organization that is focused on learning via the Internet for everyone. And this time presenting Udacity courses make his application dibesut by Google directly. The course of cooperation between Google and Udacity is called the course "Developing Android Apps: Android Fundamentals". What kind of detail of the course make this online application?

Course Application Development With Focus

Developing Android Apps: Android Fundamentals is a course or program that is intended for novice developers. That is, the course is more addressed to specific people or groups who want to develop an application but do not have the ability more about application development.

You know the basics about the programmer but not knowing related application creation, you can try it. You will be taught and trained on matters relating to the development of applications. Interestingly, you will be taught directly by a team of Google itself that Google Developer Advocate team.

Is the material presented in the course of making this application limited only application development? Overall, you are only going to be taught how to create Android applications and development.

But, of course, you will get more detailed materials and special. This means, you should not hesitate anymore to follow the course of making an application program that was initiated Udacity and Google's.

For the presentation of the material itself, Udacity presenting material in a variety of formats. You will get video tutorials, quizzes, sample applications, and other woods documents related application development. You can also access the forum and interact. Of course this makes the learning does not take place in one direction but two directions. And this is very good, especially for those who are happy to ask questions or discuss a matter of learning.

Course Is Not For Public

Which may be somewhat unfortunate of course make this application the target audience probably only a matter of course. Indeed Udacity and Google claims that this course is intended for novice developers, but that does not mean developers are really beginner.

Participants will follow this course should already know the basics of programming such as Java, C ++, Objective C or Python. Udacity also stated that the course is also aimed at those who have a minimum of three years experience in the field of development of the program.

If you do have a background as already described, then you should not hesitate anymore to follow your program. For those of you who are totally blind to the programming really should not follow this one program.

But do not worry, if you are curious and want to try, then you can try to register and view the material in the test phase.

That's right, you or anyone can access the course make this app free for half a month or two weeks. If you are interested and want to follow the matter further, you can follow this course by paying $ 150 or about USD 1.7 million.

Interested in the program or course to make the application of this Google? Feel free to visit this course on the official website Udacity or can also directly click on the following link.

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1. Download.com
Download.com is the parent of all the software download websites. This site is the oldest of its kind and was founded 14 years ago. This site is owned by CNet, one of the largest websites in the News Technology and Product Review.

He has softwere data warehouse for all platforms such as Windows, Mac and Linux as well as mobile applications. It also includes web-based applications and services. Software section there are 100,000 freeware, shareware and try to first download.

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10. GearDownload
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